Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Melissa virus

Melissa virus :
This virus infects Word 97 documents and the NORMAL.DOT file of Word 97 and Word 2000. The virus code is contained in one macro named "Melissa".This virus is a Word 97 macro virus with a deadly capability. It has the ability to spread itself very fast using email. When the document infected by Melissa virus is opened for the first time, the virus checks whether the user's computer is installed with MS Outlook. If it finds Outlook then the virus sends email to 50 addresses found in the address book of outlook. The email sent by the virus will contain the subject "Important Message From {user name}". The body of the email will contain "Here is that document you asked for . . . don't show anyone else :-)". The virus will attach the infected document to the message. The virus can spread very fast because of this method.The virus uses this email method only the first time the virus infected document is opened on that computer. To check this the virus uses an entry in the Windows Registry at;"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Melissa?". The virus sets this key value to "... by Kwyjibo" after the first infection. Since the value is found in the Registry, the next time onwards the virus will not attempt to spread via email.The virus can spread only using Outlook If the user is not using Outlook, the virus will not try to spread on its own using email.The virus will be infecting all other document files opened on that computer like any other Word 97 virus.The virus also checks the time and if the minute matches with the date (like at 9.30 on the 30th), the virus inserts this text in the document."Twenty-two points, plus triple-word-score, plus fifty points for using all my letters. Game's over. I'm outta here."Melissa virus first appeared in March 1999 and it is in the wild.
this information gathered from internet......
and added to this blog for information purpose only............

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